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Step-Forward Together

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Whether you are an employee, family member, or contracting organization, FEAP can help.

We offer quality, professional, and comprehensive services, tailored to your individual needs. For employees and their families, we offer assessment, brief counseling, referral, and follow-up at no cost to the employee. The program is confidential. We work with a wide variety of personal issues. For supervisors, managers, and organizational leadership we offer consultation, training, critical incident debriefings, workplace interventions, substance abuse education, and training and mediation services.

Contact FEAP

  • FEAP (8am-5pm M-F): 434-243-2643 (uvafeap.com)

  • Crisis & Care Coordinator (8am-5pm M-F): 434-995-8305 (uvafeap.com)

  • FEAP After-Hours Support: 434-243-2643

UVA West Complex
1300 Jefferson Park Avenue, Suite 1982
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Free parking available at West Complex or validated parking at 11th Street parking garage (117 11th St SW, Charlottesville, VA 22903)

Subscribe to Step Forward Together | FEAP Substack

FEAP offers confidential, no-cost services for employees and families, including counseling, referrals, and follow-ups. Our Substack features Tips of the Month, support articles, podcasts, webinar follow-ups, and more.


FEAP offers confidential, no-cost services for employees and adult family members. Our Substack features Tips of the Month, support articles, podcast intros, webinar follow-ups, and more to help you through life's challenges.